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Vendor Relations OfficerAwesome Fresh

2 years1 Applicants
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Salary:70,000.00 (monthly)

job description - Vendor Relations Officer

A vendor relationship officer orders products from various farmers' associations, suppliers, and aggregators. This role includes developing relationships with vendors, finding a more cost-effective ways for sourcing products, selecting different services, negotiating contracts, and evaluating performance.
You will expand our vendor performance to meet up with our aggregation demands, analyze current vendor performance and determine which ones work in the best interest of the company.
You would also manage relationships with different vendors, keep accurate documentation, resolve problems and issues, and streamline these processes.
You will be required to build the capacity of our company to meet a mammoth volume per shipment each week. This is a very demanding role. It requires problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

Fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of a vendor officer requires the ability to negotiate and understand each individual product, the ability to analyze a cost-benefit analysis, interpersonal skills, the ability to travel to remote locations and work independently. You are also expected to resolve disputes and search for mutually beneficial outcomes for the company.

Duties and Responsibilities
• Expand our vendors capacity to meet a mammoth demand
• Research and establish relationships with new vendors when necessary
• Organize and track all documentation between the company and vendors
• Review current vendors and analyze if they meet current company needs
• Cancel contracts with vendors that are no longer needed
• Resolve vendor disputes or issues quickly and efficiently

Skills and Qualifications
A successful candidate for this role needs to have a strong skill set to handle their required job duties. Some of their most important skills and qualifications include:

Strong business knowledge and experience
Ability to effectively research new projects
Creativity and problem-solving skills
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Analytical and detail-oriented
Strong negotiation skills
Decision-making and leadership skills

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About the company
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We are an agricultural logistics service that connects food service businesses, retailers, factories, with a consistent supply of farm produce for their business operations.

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